„Your tax consultant in Hamburg”


Tax Advisor

Steuerberater Marek Hejzel
Schloßstr. 108
22041 Hamburg



Phone: +49 40 285 144 10
Fax: 040 285 178 40
E-Mail: mail@stb-hejzel.de



DE 245581330


Name of the occupation 

Tax advisor


Relevant chamber

The office owner is a member in the Chamber for Tax Advisors Raboisen 32, 20095 Hamburg – www.stbk-hamburg.de


Conferred by

The statury occupation name „Tax Advisor” was conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany.


Occupation policy

The Tax Advisors occupation is governed by following acts of law:

  • Tax Consultancy Act
  • Implementing Regulation for the Tax Consultancy Act
  • Rules of Professional Conduct
  • Implementing Regulation for Tax Advisors Charges


The above mentioned Rules can be viewed at any time under  Der Steuerberater“ [„Tax advisor”] on the Website of  Bundessteuerberaterkammer under www.bstbk.de under “Berufsrecht”.

The main services are stipulated in § 32 and 33 of the Tax Consultancy Act . The charges for tax advising services are stipulated in the Implementing Regulation for the Tax Consultancy Act . At yout request we provide more detailed information about our services and charges.

We have a pecuniary damage liability insurance policy in the scope that is necessary and it is at the Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG, 50598 Cologne.


Liability note

Despite the careful text verification we do not take any liability for the texts on external links.  The operators of those pages are liable for the content.

This is a general information and no advice in a particular situation. Advice for a particular case is realised through an explicit accord. The contents of this information were prepared very carefully. We can not take any responsibility for the correctness, completness and topicality.



If there is a possiblity for personal data submission (email, name, addresses), the user submit them voluntary. The using and paying for the offered services -if technical possible-is allowed without personal data submission or under an assumed name. Using of the contact data from the impressum such as postal addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses by third persons is for the purposes other than sending requiered information not allowed. We reserve a right to take legal action against so called spam-mails.


Copyright law

The content from this website is protected by copyright law. For each using that is not allowed by German copyright law is a prior written consent of the author or copyright necessary.

This is applicable for reproduction, editing, translation, storing and rendition of contents in the data banks or other electrical media and systems. Contents and contributions of third persons are labeled as such.

Unlawful multiplication or transfer of contents or whole pages is not allowed and punishable. Only preparation of copies and downloads for the personal, private and non commercial use is allowed.


Applicable law

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany is applicable.



Silke Heyer